Selasa, 31 Mei 2016


What is simile? 
A simile is a figure of speech that makes a comparison, showing similarities between two different things. Unlike a metaphor, a simile draws resemblance with the help of the words “like” or “as”. Therefore, it is a direct comparison.
Function of Simile 
From the above discussion, we can infer the function of similes both in our everyday life as well as in literature. Using similes attracts the attention and appeals directly to the senses of listeners or readers encouraging their imagination to comprehend what is being communicated. In addition, it inspires life-like quality in our daily talks and in the characters of fiction or poetry. Simile allows readers to relate the feelings of a writer or a poet to their personal experiences. Therefore, the use of similes makes it easier for the readers to understand the subject matter of a literary text, which may have been otherwise too demanding to be comprehended. Like metaphors, similes also offer variety in our ways of thinking and offers new perspectives of viewing the world. 
Example simile :
  1. Our soldiers are as brave as lions.
  2. Her cheeks are red like a rose.
  3. He is as funny as a monkey.
  4. The water well was as dry as a bone.
  5. He is as cunning as a fox.

Where Can We Find Similes?
 Similes are abundant in poetry, fiction and even song lyrics. You can also find similes in many popular advertisements, such as Chevrolet’s “Like a Rock” slogan. However, many popular similes are cliches — overused phrases that sound a little bit corny and trite
How Can We Use Similes? 
Using similes in a story, poem, song or even an academic project can help engage your reader and make your writing a lot more fun! 

Concluded simile
A simile is a figure of speech that makes a comparison, showing similarities between two different things.Function simile is Using similes attracts the attention and appeals directly to the senses of listeners or readers encouraging their imagination to comprehend what is being communicated.
Image result for SIMILE

Image result for SIMILE

Minggu, 22 Mei 2016


What is idiom?
Idioms exist in every language. An idiom is a word or phrase that is not taken literally, like “bought the farm” has nothing to do with purchasing real estate, but refers to dying. Idiom also refers to a dialect or jargon of a group of people, either in a certain region or a group with common interests, like in science, music, art, or business.
(Idiom atau disebut juga dengan ungkapan adalah gabungan kata yang membentuk arti baru di mana tidak berhubungan dengan kata pembentuk dasarnya).
  1. She is pulling my leg. - to pull someone's leg means to tease them by telling them something untrue.
  2. When will you drop them a line? - to drop someone a line means to send a note to or call someone. 
  3. You should keep an eye out for that. - to keep an eye out for something means to maintain awareness of it so  that you notice it as it occurs. 
  4.  I can't keep my head above water. - to keep one's head above water means to manage a situation. 
  5.  It's raining cats and dogs. - to rain cats and dogs means to rain very heavily (a downpour).
Common Idioms
Some idioms are used by most people that speak English; others are used by a more select group.
Common idioms that refer to people include:
  • A chip on your shoulder - means you are holding a grudge
  • High as a kite - means you are drunk or on drugs
  • Sick as a dog - means you are very ill
Idioms that refer to your actions would be:
  • Rub someone the wrong way - meaning to annoy or bother
  • Jump the gun - would mean to be doing something early
  • Pay the piper - means you need to face the consequences of your actions
Some idioms use color words to convey other meanings. For example, there are several that use the word “blue:”
  • “The blues” can refer to both a style of music and feeling sad.
  • If something occurs rarely, it is said to happen “once in a blue moon”, because a blue moon is two full moons in one month, which doesn’t happen often.
  • “Out of the blue” means something happens that was unexpected.  
Learning a Language with Idioms
Because of idioms, learning a language can be complicated. After you can conjugate verbs, and know a lot of words, you may still have difficulty speaking the language with native users.
This is partly due to the use of idioms and would also depend of which region of a country you were in. Idiom usage is not just regional, but also varies according to people’s interests and social groups.
The best way to pick up on the meaning of certain idioms would be to converse with people and ask them for a clarification of the idiom if you are not clear about the idiom they used. There are also sites on the Internet which will help explain the meaning of idioms.

Idioms Around the Globe
There are certain things that happen in every culture and there are idioms to deal with them.
  • In Norwegian and Czech, “walking around hot porridge” refers to beating around the bush, which is also an idiom meaning not getting to the point.
  • If you are in Italy or Turkey and you say you are “as hungry as a wolf” then you are starving.
If it is raining in large amounts, most cultures have an interesting way of saying that:
  • In English, it would be “raining cats and dogs”
  • In Africa, they might say “it's raining old women with clubs”
  • Many languages refer to heavy rain as coming in buckets or as rain coming out of a bucket.
  • In Norway they say “it's raining female trolls”
  • The Irish say “it's throwing cobblers knives”
Comparing idioms between countries can also be interesting:
  • In Finnish, “with long teeth” means you are doing something that you really don’t want to do
  • In French, “to have long teeth” means you are ambitious.
The key to understanding the local idioms is to listen carefully and to ask questions of local speakers.

Idioms In the Arts
There are many idioms in the field of music.
  • If you “fine tune” something, you make small improvements to it.
  • “Changing your tune” means changing your mind.
  • If you are “whistling Dixie” or “whistling in the dark” you are overly positive about something.
  • If you try and make a decision too early without knowing all the facts, people may tell you that “it’s not over ‘till the fat lady sings.”
Drama and dance have idioms, too, like:
  • Break a leg” means good luck.
  • If you are a “ham” you overact.
  • If you say, “it takes two to tango” you mean that more than one person is at fault or involved.
  • If you “tap dance” your way out of a sticky situation, then that implies that you get out of it in a clever way.
  • Being “in the spotlight” means you are the center of attention.

Kamis, 12 Mei 2016



Metonymies are frequently used in literature and in everyday speech. A metonymy is a word or phrase that is used to stand in for another word. Sometimes a metonymy is chosen because it is a well-known characteristic of the word.
One famous example of metonymy is the saying, "The pen is mightier than the sword," which originally came from Edward Bulwer Lytton's play Richelieu. This sentence has two examples of metonymy:
  • The "pen" stands in for "the written word."
  • The "sword" stands in for "military aggression and force."

It is a figure of speech that replaces the name of a thing with the name of something else with which it is closely associated. We can come across examples of metonymy both from literature and in everyday life.
(Ini adalah kiasan yang menggantikan nama hal dengan nama sesuatu yang lain dengan yang erat terkait. Kita dapat menemukan contoh metonymy baik dalam literatur maupun dalam kehidupan sehari-hari).

We use metonymy frequently in our everyday life. For a better understanding, let us observe a few metonymy examples:
  1. England decides to keep check on immigration. (England refers to the government.)
  2. The pen is mightier than the sword. (Pen refers to written words and sword to military force.)
  3. The Oval Office was busy in work. (“The Oval Office” is a metonymy as it stands for people at work in the office.)
  4. Let me give you a hand. (Hand means help.)

  1. Inggris memutuskan untuk tetap memeriksa imigrasi. (Inggris mengacu kepada pemerintah.) 
  2. Pena lebih tajam dari pedang. (Pen mengacu pada kata-kata tertulis dan pedang untuk kekuatan militer.)
  3. The Oval Office sibuk dalam pekerjaan. ("The Oval Office" adalah sebuah metonymy seperti berdiri untuk orang-orang yang bekerja di kantor.) 
  4. Biarkan saya memberi Anda tangan. (Tangan berarti bantuan)   

Metonymy: Stand-Ins for Other Words

A Word Functioning as a Metonymy
Understanding the context of a metonymy is important. For example, the word "pen" is not always standing in for the written word; often, it just refers to the physical object of a pen.
The examples below include both the metonymy and the possible words for which the metonymy would fill in:
  • The restaurant - to refer to the staff
  • Ears - for giving attention ("Lend me your ears!" from Mark Antony in Julius Caesar)
  • Eyes - for sight
  • The library - for the staff or the books
  • Pen - for the written word
  • Sword - for military might
  • Silver fox - for an attractive older man
  • Hand - for help
       Artinya : 
  • The restaurant – untuk merujuk kepada staf
  • Ears – untuk memberikan perhatian (“Lend me your ears!”/”Pinjamkan aku telinga Anda!” Dari Mark Antony di Julius Caesar)
  • Mata – untuk melihat
  • The library – untuk staf atau buku-buku
  • Pen – untuk kata-kata tertulis
  • Sword – untuk kekuatan militer
  • Silver fox – untuk pria yang lebih tua yang menarik
  • Hand – untuk bantuan
While these word examples provide a good example of what a metonymy is and how it functions, sentence examples will further help to explain the use of this figure of speech.

Sentences Using a Metonymy
These sentences will further enhance your appreciation and understanding of metonymies. The metonymy is underlined.
  • The restaurant has been acting quite rude lately.
  • Learn how to use your eyes properly!
  • The library has been very helpful to the students this morning.
  • That individual is quite the silver fox.
  • Can you please give me a hand carrying this box up the stairs?
         Artinya : 
  • The restaurant has been acting quite rude lately.
               Restoran telah bertindak sangat kasar akhir-akhir ini. 
  •            Learn how to use your eyes properly!  
                     Pelajari cara menggunakan mata Anda dengan benar.
  •           The library has been very helpful to the students this morning. 
                    Perpustakaan telah sangat membantu para siswa pagi ini.
  •           That individual is quite the silver fox.
                     Individu yang cukup menarik
  •            Can you please give me a hand carrying this box up the stairs?
                     Tolong beri saya bantuan membawa kotak ini menaiki tangga?
Purpose of a Metonymy
As with other literary devices, one of the main purposes of using a metonymy is to add flavor to the writing. Instead of just repeatedly saying, "the staff at the restaurant" or naming all of the elements of a dinner each time you want to refer to the meal, one word breaks up some of that awkwardness.
Using a metonymy serves a double purpose - it breaks up any awkwardness of repeating the same phrase over and over and it changes the wording to make the sentence more interesting.
( Tujuan dari Metonymy
Seperti perangkat sastra lain, salah satu tujuan utama menggunakan metonymy adalah untuk menambah rasa untuk sebuah kata-kata. Menggunakan sebuah metonymy memiliki tujuan ganda – memecah setiap kecanggungan karena mengulangi kalimat yang sama berulang-ulang dan perubahan kata-kata untuk membuat kalimat lebih menarik).
 Function of Metonymy
Generally, metonymy is used in developing literary symbolism i.e. it gives more profound meanings to otherwise common ideas and objects. By using metonymy, texts exhibit deeper or hidden meanings and thus drawing readers’ attention.
(Umumnya, metonimi digunakan dalam mengembangkan simbolisme sastra yaitu memberikan makna yang lebih mendalam untuk ide-ide lain yang umum dan objek. Dengan menggunakan metonymy, teks menunjukkan lebih dalam atau makna tersembunyi dan dengan demikian menarik perhatian pembaca) 
furthermore, metonymy, like other literary devices, is employed to add a poetic color to words to make them come to life. The simple ordinary things are described in a creative way to insert this “life” factor to the literary works. 
(Selanjutnya, metonimi, seperti perangkat sastra lainnya, digunakan untuk menambahkan warna puitis kata-kata untuk membuat mereka datang untuk hidup. Hal-hal biasa yang sederhana dijelaskan dengan cara yang kreatif untuk memasukkan ini "hidup" faktor untuk karya-karya sastra).




What is proverb?
Proverbs adalah sebuah kalimat sederhana atau singkat yang biasanya digunakan untuk mengumpamakan  sesuatu atau kebenaran nyata, biasanya proverbs ini bertujuan untuk mendidik lewat kata-kata mutiara atau disebut juga sebagai peribahasa.
 Kinds of Proverbs:
1.  Aphorism (Pepatah)
This proverb offers advice.
Example : Don’t go too far in small.
(Persoalan kecil jangan dibesar-besarkan).
2.   Parable (Perumpamaan)
That has a moral lesson and has parable.
Example : To carry coals to New-castle.
(Bagai membuang garam kelaut)
3.   Slogan (Pameo)
This proverb gives spirit or motivation.
Exampl :
1 Early bird gets worm
(Tuhan akan memberikan rezeki kepada makhluk-Nya yang lebih dulu bangun)
2. Diligence is the mistress of success.
(Kerajinan pangkal kesuksesan)
4.   Idiom
Idiom adalah kelompok kata yang dirangkai dengan susunan tertentu dimana artinya tidak dapat ditebak dari arti kata-kata penyusunnya secara terpisah.
Example :
1. Pull your sock up. (improve your behaviour)
2. You can arrange your bedroom at will. 

jadi proverb itu adalah yang menyatakan pengalaman umum. hubungan nya dengan semantic yaitu mengetahui makna dari proverb.semantik adalah cabang linguistik yang mempelajari makna / arti yang terkandung dalam bahasa, kode, atau jenis lain dari representasi. Dengan kata lain, semantik adalah studi tentang makna.




Homonim berasal dari bahasa Yunani, homos yang berarti ’sejenis’ atau ’sama’ dan onuma ’nama’. Dalam ilmu bahasa, dapat diartikan sebagai kata-kata yang bentuk dan cara pelafalannya sama, tetapi memiliki makna yang berbeda.
Homonyms are words that are both spelled and pronounced the same, but have different meanings.
Seperti halnya, sinonim, antonim, dan sebagainya. Homonim mempunyai dampak dalam bahasa. Terdapat kesepakatan anatara tokoh klasik dan modern dalam menyimpulkan dampak positif dan negatif
1         1.   Dampak positif
  • Hadirnya Homonim dalam bahasa menimbulkan rasa fleksibel dan elastis dalam penggunaan makna baru tanpa harus menghilangkan makna yang lama.
  • Homonimakan menghadirkan nilai tersendiri untuk menyamarkan makna bahasa dalam unsur bahasa dan balagah
  • Homonimjuga dapat memberikan pengaruh dalam jiwa ketika mendapat faktor majazi, karena hal ini akan memberikan unsur lebih dalam estetika sehingga dapat menjadikan orang tercengang.
  • Menutupi kekosongan dalam kamus merupakan dampak positif yang lain, hal ini sering terjadi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari khusunya ketika dalam menggunakan bahasa Arab.
.2. Dampak negatif
Beriringan dengan datangnya dampak positif, hadir pula dampak negatif. Diantaran dampak negatif Homonim :
  • Dalam bahasa Arab kehadiran Homonim akan menggurangi kefasihan. Seperti kurangnya ketajaman makna yang dimaksud karena pendengar tidak jelas dalam mendengar kata yang diutarakan.
  • Kehawatiran akan terjadinya perselisihan karena adanya perpindahan makna pertama ke makna yang kedua.
  • Sulitnya transformasi makna melalui terjemah ringkasan, dan sebaginya.
  • Ketergantungan dengan konteks, hal ini karena konteks merupakan faktor penentu sebuah makna dalam bahasa.
Chaer, Abdul. 2003. Linguistik Umum. Jakarta: PT. Asdi Mahasatya.
Lihat Desertasi, Tulus Musthofa, Al Mustarok al Lafdzi dalam Al Quran…,  hlm. 116-120

Senin, 02 Mei 2016



What is polysemi ?
Polysemy is the capacity for a sign (such as a word, phrase, or symbol) to have multiple meanings (that is, multiple semes or sememes and thus multiple senses), usually related by contiguity of meaning within a semantic field.
It is thus usually regarded as distinct from homonymy, in which the multiple meanings of a word may be unconnected or unrelated.
Charles Fillmore and Beryl Atkins’ definition stipulates three elements:
(i)                 the various senses of a polysemous word have a central origin
(ii)                the links between these senses form a network, and
(iii)             understanding the ‘inner’ one contributes to understanding of the ‘outer’ one.
Polysemy is a pivotal concept within disciplines such as media studies and linguistics. The analysis of polysemy, synonymy, and hyponymy and hypernymy is vital to taxonomy and ontology in the information-science senses of those terms. It has applications in pedagogy and machine learning, because they rely on word-sense disambiguation and schemas.
polysemy, language scientific term for ambiguity, see adjective green in the green gate, green thumb, green student, green policy, where the word's meaning varies, often due. metaphorical extensions.

Examples and Observations
"Now, the kitchen was the room in which we were sitting, the room where Mama did hair and washed clothes, and where each of us bathed in a galvanized tub. But the word has another meaning, and the 'kitchen' I'm speaking of now is the very kinky bit of hair at the back of the head, where the neck meets the shirt collar. If there ever was one part of our African past that resisted assimilation, it was the kitchen."
(Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Colored People. Alfred A. Knopf, 1994)
2.Banks, Pupils, and Bats
Sports Illustrated can be bought for 1 dollar or 35 million dollars; the first is something you can read and later start a fire with, the second is a particular company that produces the magazine you just read. Such polysemy can give rise to a special
ambiguity (He left the bank five minutes ago, He left the bank five years ago). Sometimes dictionaries use history to decide whether a particular entry is a case of one word with two related meanings, or two separate words, but this can be tricky. Even though pupil (eye) and pupil (student) are historically linked, they are intuitively as unrelated as bat (implement) and bat (animal)."
(Adrian Akmajian, et al., Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication. MIT Press, 2001)


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